Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Discussion of the value of research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Discussion of the value of research - Essay Example Research is very important in imparting knowledge among various people concerned with the advancement of their knowledge and ways of thinking. Indeed it is through research that we are able to improve our knowledge. Various people have conducted researches in various fields of study and come up with various ways of viewing different things and have different view over the same things. As Gibbons argue, research changes the way a society and a group of people view things by inventing new ideas. It is a way of improving our knowledge based on the need to change the perception of a given person (Gibbons et al, 1994). This paper will look at the importance of research at certain levels such as in academic achievements, in employment as well as in national building as a citizen of a given country. To begin with, research as I have indicated in the statement above is the eye opener in changing the manner in which we view things around us or react to given circumstances and situations in the society. Researches are therefore very important in the life of a student especially at higher levels such as the honors level. Carrying out research at the university level can be useful in very many ways for instance, researches improve our bulk of knowledge in related fields of specialization (Bell, 1973). People go to school in order to acquire full education in terms of quality learning as opposed to mere diploma holding capabilities. Knowledge that is all encompassing requires that one is all round with regard to his or her line of specialization, which is to have a vast knowledge in our areas of specialization. We therefore need to conduct investigative researches to well equip ourselves with the best knowledge we can gather in our fields of study. According to Friedman, an honors st udent is expected to have profound knowledge in his or her field of specialization and so must conduct research to keep himself or herself with the most current and detailed knowledge in
Monday, October 28, 2019
Zenecas DTC Advertising of Nolvadex Essay Example for Free
Zenecas DTC Advertising of Nolvadex Essay Zeneca is largest pharmaceutical and agricultural/industrial chemical company in United States. In 1999 breast cancer was the most frequent diseases were found in American women, about 175,000 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed and about 43,500 women were died due to the breast cancer. According to the breast cancer prevention trial (BCPT), 45% reduction in breast cancer cases came through the use of Nolvadex. In November 1998 due to the new indications from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the use of Nolvadex, Zeneca had decided to start direct to consumer advertisement campaign for Nolvadex. Findings In finding report will find over all performance of Zenecas advertisement campaign. This report will also look at the ethical issues which were raised in the case study, issues which were raised by activist groups and recommendations for managing the activists protests. 1. 1-Uncertainties from medical o Lack of sufficient data form breast cancer preventing trial physicians were worried about the side effects of Nolvadex, because the women who have high risk of breast cancer who might die if they do not take drug but for healthy women Nolvadex were not suitable from their point of view. According to physicians past experiences, Nolvadex lowered the breast cancer risk in women age 35 or more but increase the risk of other diseases in healthy women like endometrial cancer and other minor side effects like blood clots in the legs and lungs, hot flashes flushing, irregular menstrual periods, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, vomiting and irritation of skin around the vagina. o Same studies like breast cancer preventing trial came from British and Italian studies which failed to show that tamoxifne was associated with a cancer risk reduction benefit They give assurance that women can both learn and control their risk, when, in fact, the risk model that is being promoted by Zeneca has been rightfully criticized by biostatisticians. The drug that Zeneca is promoting is one whose short tern benefits in healthy women are in question, and whose long term risks among healthy women are still unknown. o Some doctors were argued that side effect was too serious to prescribe for women who did not have breast cancer. They were asking to add more advisability of using the drug to lower the risk of breast cancer. These physicians wanted to wait for more data regarding Nolvadex and comparing trial of Nolvadex with Eli Lillys Evista which some believed that safer then Zenecas Nolvadex. 1. 2-Uncertainties from regulatory o According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) there were some problem with exact language that contained in the new labelling e. g. Zeneca wanted to use word Prevention for describing the Nolvadex but FDA was not agree because labelling was lack of enough data on what happened to the women in the study after five years of treatment FDA was disagreed with Zenecas ads. because they were lack of brief summary regarding the risk and other information about Nolvadex. They wanted to disclose those information in advertising campaign o Zeneca had made the video for unbranded advertisement which was included full information of breast cancer and about Nolvadex but FDA had argued that video was heavily branded and lack of fair balance between benefits and risks of Nolvadex o Zeneca was required to include a four-part disclaimer (including side effects) when ever the word Nolvadex comes in video FDAs Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communication (DDMAC) reviewed the information material in advertising campaign and determine that they are false or misleading and lacking fair balance and they are full of product and in violation of the Act for the above reasons o Zeneca was failed to discuss the Gail Model Risk Assessment Tool in the print advertisement or brochure which damage the importance of an accurate risk assessment and side effects. Due to lack of mortality data FDA approved the Nolvadex for women at high risk of breast cancer but did not approved it for use as a breast cancer prevention agent and they refer Nolvadex as a risk reduction therapy 1. 3-Zenecas decisions on DTC campaign When Zeneca decided to do the DTC campaign for Nolvadex, they had done some research before advertising campaign but this research only focusing on womens thinking about breast cancer. They did not involve patients, physician, advocacy group and activist groups in ad campaign. Another draw back came from The Food and Drug Administrations regulation and guide lines which were keep changing during the development of direct to consumer advertising campaign. FDAs guide lines were influencing the Zenecas decisions on advertisement campaign. They were trying to follow FDAs regulations but other side they had ignored physicians and activist groups during the development of DTC advertisement campaign and later Zenecas campaign was concern by these independent groups. They had tried to make branded ad but due to the regulatory it was required full information regarding drug. They were feared that if they disclosed the information regarding drugs benefit and risk it would affect the advertisement effectiveness. Thats why they decided not do the branded advertisement. Zenecas unbranded advertisement was less concern by regulatory in terms of disclosing drugs information but more concern by activist groups because of incomplete information. Also assumptions in advertisement were not appropriately taken into consideration e. g. women care their body shape more then health or you can only get breast cancer if you have family history which were concerned by regulatory and activist groups. In brief Zeneca had taken inappropriate decision regarding DTC advertisement campaign. They did not involved patients, physicians, distributors and advocacy groups before developing DTC campaign. They had followed the rules and regulations of FDA but failed to take physicians, patients and activist groups in confidence.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Wilsons Disease :: essays research papers
Wilsonââ¬â¢s Disease à à à à à à à à à à Wilsonââ¬â¢s Disease, scientifically known as Hepatolendicular Degeneration, is an inherited dissorder in wich excessive amounts of copper accumalate in the body. Although Wilsonââ¬â¢s Disease begins at birth, symtoms ussually occur between the ages of 6 and 40. Symptoms can be serious such as liver disease, or minor such as drooling and trembling. This paper will explain the following about Wilsonââ¬â¢s Disease: the symptoms and consequences, treatment and diagnosis, and how it is inheritted. à à à à à à à à à à As mentioned before the symptoms can be very serious or minor. Liver disease, the most dangerous symptom occurs in about 40% of patients. While nearly all patients show minor symptoms of nuerogical and psychiatric such as treemor, rigidity, drooling, speech slurs, personality changes, inappropriate behavior, detterioration of school work, and a brownish ring in the margin of the cornea. à à à à à à à à à à Wilsonââ¬â¢s disease is easily diagnosed, but must be done very early. Both urine and blood tests are taken from the possible patient, along with liver biospies, to examine the possibly contaminated organ. Treatment involves removing the excess copper found in the body, and preventing reaccumalation of copper. Lifelong therapy is needed to keep copper out of the body. Zinc acetate is the newest drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of Wilsonââ¬â¢s Disease. Other drugs used for treatment and prevention are penacillamine and trietine. In severe cases liver transplants are needed for patients. Treatment is extremely important in Wilsonââ¬â¢s Disease. Stopping treatment can result in death of a patient in as little as three months. à à à à à à à à à à Wilsonââ¬â¢s disease is an inherited disease from both parents. It is not sex linked, occuring equally in both males and females. In order for the disease to occur, both parents must carry and affected gene, which then passes on to the affected child. In the end, the child must have two affected genes. If the child only carries one affected gene, heshe is known as a carrier (they can pass on the disease), and will not be ill. The disease affects chromosome 13 in humans, and is known as ATP7B. Wilsonââ¬â¢s Disease genes are affected by spontaneous mutations done to them. Thirty different mutations were so far found among tested patients. The disease is known to be passed on from generation to generation in several cases, yet
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Aldeia Corrego das Telhas
Consideracoes Iniciais ( NUMERAR )O presente artigo surgiu de minha experiencia de trabalho-pesquisa com os indios Tremembes no municipio de Acarau, distante 235 kilometer district attorney capital Fortaleza. Ate o momento mutton quad que escrevo estas linhas, foram seis Maines acompanhando as duas aldeias indigenas existentes na zona rural district attorney cidade. Fui contratado como antropologo, na condicao de tecnico do Centro de Referencia da Assistencia Social ââ¬â CRAS, parity atuar exclusivamente nestas comunidades. Assim, a experiencia empirica que substanciou a escrita deste artigo foi produzida a partir do contato semanal com a populacao indigena supracitada. Este contato Se deu tanto na esfera coletiva, Durante as reunioes semanais realizadas mutton quad cada comunidade, quando individualmente, visitava as familias, sendo possivel manter longas conversas com alguns indios das aldeias de Telhas vitamin E Queimadas. O objetivo deste artigo vitamin E discorrer sobre a importancia district attorney institucionalizacao organizacional parity a afirmacao district attorney identidade etnica indigena Department of State Tremembes nos dias atuais, sobretudo, com fives de acesso as politicas sociais direcionadas parity comunidades tradicionais. Utilizo como base a fundacao Department of State Conselhos Indigenas hyrax aldeias de Telhas e Queimadas e a importancia que estes exercem como facilitadores no que diz respeito aos projetos, programas vitamin E servicos do poder publico nas diversas esferas, direcionados as populacoes indigenas. Antes, porem, se faz necessario um breve relato sobre a historia destas duas comunidades indigenas.Os Tremembes de Acarau e suas trajetorias ( NUMERAR )Os indios Tremembes tiveram um longo percurso historico Ate Se estabelecerem no litoral cearense. Segundo alguns antropologos vitamin E historiadores, o grupo etnico saiu district attorney Amaz & A ; ocirc ; nia percorrend o os estados do Maranhao, Piaui ate chegarem ao litoral cearense, estabelecendo-se, principalmente na praia de Almofala, municipio de Itarema [ 2 ] . Os registros historicos dao conta district attorney presenca deste povo nos municipios de Chaval, Camocim, Granja, Marco, Acarau e tambem na Serra district attorney Ibiapaba [ 3 ] . No seculo XVII, os Tremembes foram aldeados pelos jesuitas na localidade de Almofala e la se estabeleceram Ate hoje. A literatura antropologica coloca os Tremembes como eximios pescadores, tendo em view, que foram aldeados no litoral. Entretanto, diante Department of States periodos de seca que periodicamente castigam O territorio cearense, alguns grupos foram obrigados a sair em busca de agua e alimento, iniciando uma caminhada vitamin E desbravando terras no rumo do sertao. Os Tremembes de Acarau estao inseridos neste contexto. De acordo com as memorias e narrativas de algumas liderancas e idosos, ja existiam registros district attorney presenca indigena na regiao no seculo Nineteen.Aldeia Corrego hyrax TelhasOs Tremembes do Corrego das Telhas estao localizados hour angle aproximadamente 40 kilometer district attorney sede do municipio de Acarau, estando numa regiao limitrofe com o municipio de Itarema. A historia Department of State Tremembes hyrax Telhas tem um capitulo comum a Toda as comunidades indigenas no nordeste e no Brasil: a Luda pela terra. A referida aldeia esta inserida na Terra Indigena ( TI ) [ 4 ] do Corrego Joao Pereira, composta por quatro aldeias ( Sao Jose, Cajazeiras, Capim-Acu vitamin E Telhas ) situadas entre os Department of the Interior municipios citados acima, sendo que somente a aldeia de Telhas pertence a Acarau. TI Corrego Joao Pereira e a primeira, e Ate agora a unica, terra indigena demarcada vitamin E homolgada pelo Governo Federal no Ceara. Entretanto, a Luda pela terra vitamin E os freq & A ; uuml ; entes conflitos com posseiros e latifundiarios durou quase um seculo, tendo Se acirrado nos Fatah R evolutionary Councils de 1980. De acordo com O relatorio antropologico [ 5 ] district attorney Fundacao Nacional do indio ââ¬â FUNAI, os Tremembes do Corrego Joao Pereira sofreram com a violencia vitamin E o poder de grandes latifundiarios ( entre eles militares, military chaplains e politicos de Acarau ) , criadores de gado e comerciantes da castanha de caju que se apossaram e submeteram os indios a um government de semi escravidao. Alem de terem tomado as terras que tradicionalmente eram de uso dos indios, os ââ¬Å" novos â⬠donos cobravam pela utilizacao district attorney terra, de modo que uma grande parte district attorney producao Agricola Department of State indigenas epoch direcionada parity O pagamento da terra. Alem disso, os Tremembes foram proibidos de praticarem seus rituais, sobretudo, o torem. O movimento de resistencia Department of State Tremembes do Corrego Joao Pereira se fortaleceu a partir do apoio da Pastoral Department of State Direitos Humanos, Missao Tremembe [ 6 ] vitamin E com O reconhecimento district attorney FUNAI, no concluding district attorney decada de 80. Em 2005 a TI do Corrego Joao Pereira foi demarcada vitamin E homologada pelo Presidente Lula. A aldeia Telhas possui atualmente uma populacao de 134 pessoas agrupadas em 30 familias que vivem numa country de 540 hectares. A TI de Telhas e marcada por uma mata ainda bem preservada, pela presenca de muitos cajueiros e diversas outras especies de arvores. Durante a safra do caju, toda a aldeia Se envolve com a coleta district attorney castanha para a venda vitamin E com O pedunculo que vitamin E utilizado parity fazer doces, cajuina e O mocororo, bebida criada pelos indios, uma especie de vinho do caju. O mocororo e um Department of State principais elementos motivadores district attorney pratica do torem, uma danca de roda em que os indios exaltam a natureza, o trabalho e a relacao que O indio tem com a terra. Alem disso, outro aspecto marcante da danca vitamin E o culto aos seres encantados. Praticamente todos sao agricultores e, alem district attorney renda advinda com a venda district attorney castanha, a producao de farinha e goma e o chief fator de geracao de renda district attorney aldeia. O processo de preparacao district attorney farinha, chamado de farinhada, vitamin E feito coletivamente numa casa de farinha comunitaria. No periodo em que estao sendo realizadas, as farinhadas duram varias semanas.Aldeia QueimadasA aldeia Department of State Tremembes de Queimadas esta localizada hour angle 30 kilometer district attorney sede do municipio e encontra-se bem Proxima ao Perimetro Irrigado do Baixo Acarau que compreende uma country que perpassa as cidades de Acarau vitamin E Marco. O caminho Department of State primeiros moradores das Queimadas foi semelhante aos do Corrego Joao Pereira, havendo inclusive, lacos de parentesco entre os membros das duas comunidades. Segundo seu Cecidio [ 7 ] , o mais velho morador hyrax Queimadas, teria sido seu pai vitamin E outros se is homens com suas respectivas familias, que teriam desbravado a regiao onde hoje ocupam. Segundo ele, nos Ido de 1927, ââ¬Å" os sete â⬠teriam saido district attorney Lagoa Department of State Negros [ 8 ] , abrindo caminho mata a dentro, Ate que se depararam mutton quad um certo momento com uma grande queimada provocada nao se sabe por quem. Foi neste lugar que O grupo resolveu se estabelecer com suas respectivas familias. Diferentemente Department of State Tremembes hyrax Telhas, os indios de Queimadas travam sua Luda contra O proprio Estado, atraves do Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas ââ¬â DNOCS, que tenta desapropriar a comunidade indigena parity ampliar a country do Perimetro Irrigado do Baixo Acarau. Os conflitos comecaram no concluding Department of State Fatah Revolutionary Council 80, quando O DNOCS alega que ja teria indenizado as familias district attorney aldeia. A comunidade reconhece que uma hyrax liderancas teria recebido dinheiro do orgao fe deral, mas argumentam que foram lesados. Mesmo a questao estando sodium justica, o DNOCS destruiu parte significativa do territorio ocupado pelos Tremembes de Queimadas, principalmente a country chamada de Serrote, tida como sagrada pelos indios. O processo continua mutton quad andamento, mas com a intervencao district attorney FUNAI vitamin E do Ministerio Publico Federal as obras na country indigena foram paralisadas. Os Tremembes de Queimadas aguardam o GT district attorney FUNAI que fara o relatorio de demarcacao e delimitacao de sua TI. Do ponto de vista econ & A ; ocirc ; mico, as duas aldeias sao semelhantes e desenvolvem as mesmas atividades, tendo o caju e a bitter cassava como principais fontes de renda. Como resultado inexoravel do contato com a sociedade envolvente, os Tremembes absorveram habitos vitamin E incorporaram praticas vitamin E costumes amplamente observados mutton quad outros contextos, sobretudo, urbanos. e possivel ver muitas casas de taipa equipadas com som, aparelho de DVD e televisao com antena parabolica. Inevitavelmente, o uso dessas tecnologias e visto como essencial parity eles, tendo em view que para a maioria hyrax familias a televisao vitamin E um Department of State raros meios de entretenimento. Em relacao aos metodos de producao Agricola, a pratica de fazer queimadas vitamin E freq & A ; uuml ; ente entre os agricultores das duas aldeias. Como conseq & A ; uuml ; encia, existem muitas countries de capoeira e a mata nativa, principalmente mutton quad Queimadas, foi bastante desmatada. Muitas arvores nativas estao mutton quad processo de desaparecimento. Por esses e outros aspectos, constatamos os reflexos do contato interetnico e como ele ressoa nas diversas countries da vida societal. Apesar district attorney renda advinda com estas atividades, a maioria hyrax familias das duas aldeias ainda vive mutton quad situacao de vulnerabilidade societal. e nesse contexto que Se insere o trabalho do CRAS nas comunidades indigenas. O CRAS, tambem chamado de Casa da Familia, vitamin E um equipamento make Ministerio make Desenvolvimento Social vitamin E Combate a Fome ââ¬â MDS, gerido em forma de co-participacao com os municipios, destinado a atender vitamin E oferecer assistencia a uma parcela district attorney populacao que Se encontra em situacao de pobreza e risco societal. Em municipios onde existem populacoes indigenas o MDS recomenda que tenha um CRAS parity atender estas comunidades. Alem disso, o MDS tambem orienta que as acoes desenvolvidas em comunidades indigenas seja coordenada por um antropologo ou Cientista Social. e justamente por essa orientacao que fui contratado parity trabalhar com os Tremembes mutton quad Acarau.Um antropologo no CRASO municipio de Acarau conta com duas populacoes indigenas que Ate entao nao contavam com nenhum trabalho socioassistencial especifico por parte do poder publico. Pelo fato de estarem em processo de afirmacao etnica, lutando pelo direito a terra e a insercao m utton quad outras politicas sociais, as comunidades de Telhas e Queimadas necessitavam de apoio, no sentido de ajuda-los a Se organizarem politicamente atraves de uma instituicao que representasse os interesses da coletividade no que se refere as demandas vitamin E carencias existentes nas comunidades. Neste sentido, no ambito da assistencia societal, se fazia necessario a contratacao de um tecnico-pesquisador parity que, a partir do conhecimento district attorney historia, district attorney cultura vitamin E district attorney dinamica societal cotidiana destas populacoes, pudesse auxilia-los neste processo de afirmacao societal vitamin E politica. Segundo a Norma Operacional Basica da Assistencia Social ââ¬â NOB SUAS, o trabalho desenvolvido pelo CRAS com populacoes tradicionais deve ser orientado por um Antropologo. Sobre esta questao, eis O que afirma o Mendelevium: As equipes destinadas a desenvolver trabalho com populacoes tradicionais ( indigenas, quilombolas ) ou especificas devem ser capacitadas vitamin E orientadas por um Antropologo sobre as especificidades etnicas e culturais district attorney populacao atendida, contribuindo no planejamento, monitoramento e avaliacao dos servicos vitamin E acoes. Neste sentido, e importante que a equipe estabeleca interlocucao com as liderancas district attorney comunidade atendida, parity legitimar vitamin E auxiliar O trabalho realizado junto a comunidade. [ 9 ] Pela natureza de seu oficio, o Antropologo seria aqui o profissional recomendado, tendo mutton quad view que mutton quad sua formacao ele vitamin E preparado parity, a partir de tecnicas e metodos proprios a Antropologia, desenvolver este trabalho especifico. Nesta perspectiva O Antropologo pode ser definido como um tecnico-pesquisador, posto que as atividades que desenvolve, depende antes de observacoes e estudos preliminares para que a partir district attorney configuracao societal na qual Se depara, ele possa definir estrategias de trabalho e efetivamente propor acoes que estejam de acordo com os interesses da comunidade assistida, respeitando sua dinamica sociocultural, bem como as caracteristicas que definem a identidade etnica do grupo. No caso dos Tremembes de Acarau, a questao identitaria vitamin E um componente centralizador vitamin E importantissimo para a institucionalizacao organizacional hyrax aldeias, sobretudo quando Se tem em vista a busca de melhores condicoes sociai s de sobrevivencia. A identidade etnica tambem assume relevancia nos procedimentos vitamin E acoes desenvolvidas pelas instituicoes que atuam assessorando ou defendendo os direitos Department of State indios Tremembes.Identidades mediadas: O papel hyrax instituicoes indigenistas na organizacao societal vitamin E politica Department of State Tremembes de AcarauA historia Department of State Tremembes foi marcada tanto pelo sofrimento quanto pela resistencia que os indios tiveram, posto que, mesmo sendo expulsos ou escravizados em sua terra e proibidos de se afirmarem enquanto indios, mantiveram parte de suas tradicoes e sua memoria historica. Segundo Silva ( 1999 ) , uma grande parte do sofrimento Department of State Tremembes, tanto na Praia, quanto no sertao, em exceptional os de Acarau, se deveu principalmente pelo desconhecimento Department of State seus direitos vitamin E hyrax instituicoes que poderiam apoia-los sodium Luda pela terra. Foi somente a partir do contato com instit uicoes indigenistas como a Missao Tremembe e posteriormente a FUNAI que os indios perceberam a importancia de afirmar e divulgar socialmente sua identidade indigena. De acordo com Castells ( 2002 ) , o contexto de reelaboracao district attorney identidade etnica das comunidades indigenas em Acarau assume as caracteristicas de uma identidade de resistencia, tendo mutton quad view que ela vitamin E formulada pelos atores sociais contrarios a algum tipo de dominacao, criando principios de resistencia. Ainda sobre este assunto, de acordo com Vale ( 2005 ) , a atuacao de missionarios catolicos, entre eles, Maria Amelia Leite, fundadora district attorney Associacao Missao Tremembe ââ¬â AMIT, foi cardinal parity a redefinicao do perfil organizacional, das demandas politicas vitamin E Department of State investimentos etnicos Department of State Tremembes district attorney Varjota, em Itarema. Pode-se afirmar que O mesmo processo ocorreu com os Tremembes de Telhas vitamin E Queimadas. Como a FUNAI ainda nao possuia nenhuma unidade administrativa no Ceara [ 10 ] , o suporte juridico e societal foi feito atraves da Missao Tremembe que, por sua vez, mobilizava outras instituicoes para guardian a questao Department of State Tremembes. Vale ressaltar, que no seu convivio com os indigenas de Itarema, Acarau e Itapipoca, os missionarios da AMIT estimulavam as comunidades a afirmarem sua identidade de indios, bem como no retorno de praticas como O torem. Desta forma, nos ultimos 25 Fatah R evolutionary Councils, a indianidade Department of State Tremembes foi fortemente estimulada pelos agentes indigenistas que acompanham as comunidades nos municipios citados. Me refiro a indianidade como percepcao vitamin E reflexo daquele sujeito que Se ve vitamin E se sente indio. Segundo Braz ( 2009 ) , essa indianidade esta relacionada aqueles que, apesar do imaginario societal desabonador construido sobre estas populacoes, alimentam um outro sentimento vitamin E uma outra atitude diante de sua ancestralidade vitamin E faz dela, no mundo hodierno, objeto de auto-estima, dignidade vitamin E afirmacao etnica. Com relacao as acoes do CRAS de Acarau, o trabalho Se concentra principalmente na importancia district attorney organizacao politica dos indios a fim de que estes possam ser inseridos sodiums politicas e programas sociais, sobretudo do governo federal. Neste sentido, o trabalho desenvolvido pele equipe do CRAS, na qual faco parte, consiste no assessoramento das duas aldeias no que se refere a institucionalizacao atraves dos Conselhos Indigenas, bem como na insercao das comunidades, atraves dos Conselhos, nos projetos sociais de geracao de trabalho e renda, assim como naqueles que preconizam a valorizacao district attorney cultura indigena. O primeiro desafio foi articular O perfil organizacional hyrax duas comunidades que apresentavam situacoes bem parecidas. Ambas nao possuiam qualquer tipo de instituicao juridicamente reconhecida que pudessem representa-los. Existiam apenas as chamadas ââ¬Å" liderancas â⬠, que sao pessoas que Se destacam pela disposicao em representar a aldeia mutton quad algum evento vitamin E pela autoridade que exercem internamente entre os pares. Entretanto, quando os tecnicos do CRAS iniciaram o trabalho de campo perceberam que as duas aldeias se encontravam fragmentadas, atomizadas vitamin E, alem disso, descrentes em relacao a qualquer tentativa de organizacao, tendo em view que tanto o poder publico, quanto suas proprias ââ¬Å" liderancas â⬠nao correspondiam as expectativas district attorney coletividade. Os conflitos Delaware opinioes, as diferencas entre membros da comunidade vitamin E a desconfianca mutton quad relacao aos lideres foram decisivos parity a resistencia hyrax c omunidades em aceitar a ajuda Department of State tecnicos do CRAS. Somente quando o antropologo e a estagiaria [ 11 ] conseguiram a confianca hyrax familias vitamin E que o processo de organizacao foi iniciado. A partir Delaware reunioes coletivas semanais os problemas internos da aldeia eram colocados, discutidos vitamin E debatidos pela comunidade. Os profissionais do CRAS mediavam as situacoes, tentando extrair deles mesmos, as solucoes para os entraves e problemas district attorney aldeia. Um aspecto freq & A ; uuml ; entemente utilizado pelo antropologo na epoca epoch a necessidade hyrax duas aldeias de afirmar sua identidade por meio de uma instituicao que de fato representasse nao so os interesses daquela coletividade, mas que tambem pudesse dar visibilidade aos Tremembes de Acarau. Isso so seria possivel atraves da criacao de um Conselho Indigena. Tais conselhos teriam nao somente de representar os interesses dos indios, como tambem de dar visibilidade aos Tremembes de Telhas e Queimadas diante do poder publico e district attorney sociedade civil. A partir district attorney criacao Department of State Conselhos os Tremembes estao se inserindo gradativamente nos projetos e politicas sociais [ 12 ] . Alem disso, estao inseridos nos Territorios Rurais de Identidade, estrategia do governo make estado de dividir o estado em territorios, visando o desenvolvimento territorial de countries ligadas por criterios econ & amp ; ocirc ; micos, sociais vitamin E culturais [ 13 ] . Dentro district attorney politica Department of State territorios, o governo estadual estabelece que um percentual Department of State recursos investidos no territorio sejam direcionados as comunidades indigenas e quilombolas. Tal estrategia Poe mutton quad evidencia a necessidade de elaboracao e reelaboracao das identidades etnicas, que no caso dos indios Tremembes tem como reflexo principal a territorialidade. e inegavel os tracos historicos vitamin E culturais district attorney indianidade Department of State Tremembes de Acarau, entretanto, a afirmacao district attorney identidade indigena assume um carater utilitario evidente. Estas comunidades buscam direitos que lhes foram assegurados pela constituicao de 1988 vitamin E que Ate hoje nao sao cumpridos pelo Estado em suas diversas instancias. Deste modo, o dizer-se vitamin E sentir-se indio, manifesta um desejo de acesso, sobretudo, a Taoist sonhada terra. Vale ressaltar que um traco marcante que identifica O indio, segundo os proprios Tremembes, e a relacao que este possui com a ââ¬Å" mata â⬠, a ââ¬Å" mae terra â⬠, a ââ¬Å" mae natureza â⬠. Estas expressoes sao facilmente encontradas no discurso dos indios, assumed names, nao somente na fala, como tambem nas letras das musicas cantadas no ritual do torem. Alem district attorney terra, a maioria hyrax populacoes indigenas, nao so aqui no Ceara, mom mutton quad todo O Brasil, carece de acesso aos servicos essenciais de saude, educacao e oportunidades que lhes garantam meios de ascender da situacao de miseria e abandono em que muitas aldeias se encontram atualmente parity uma condicao societal mais salubre. Neste sentido, as populacoes indigenas, atraves da mediacao de agentes sociais parceiros na luta pela defesa Department of State direitos indigenas, tem percebido a necessidade de se organizar societal vitamin E politicamente. E nesta estrategia, a afirmacao district attorney identidade etnica e de suma importancia, pois ela se configura como avalizadora Department of State anseios, projetos e demandas hyrax comunidades. Desta forma, concordo com Silva ( 2000 ) , quando diz que a definicao district attorney identidade vitamin E district attorney diferenca tambem esta relacionada a uma disputa de poder que traduz o desejo de acesso aos bens sociais de ordem simbolica, stuff vitamin E politica. Sendo assim, as identidades sao construcoes make mundo cultural vitamin E societal, portanto, sao fabricadas. Elas refletem os agenciamentos vitamin E as imagens produzidas pelos sujeitos atraves das relacoes cotidianas. vitamin E claro que o sentido de ââ¬Å" fabricacao â⬠vitamin E ââ¬Å" construcao â⬠nao assume um carater pejorativo, pelo contrario, evidencia a capacidade Department of State grupos, inclusive os indios, de estarem elaborando e reelaborando suas identidades no pacing e no espaco. No caso dos Tremembes vitamin E Department of State demais indios no Ceara, o termo mais utilizado vitamin E O district attorney reelaboracao hyrax identidades indigenas, tendo mutton quad view que estes grupos foram perseguidos, oprimidos vitamin E forcados a negar/ocultar sua identidade de indio. Na Antropologia, o movimento de reconstrucao das identidades outrora suprimidas vitamin E definido como etnogenese, que segundo Oliveira Filho ( 2004 ) , e um processo de recriacao cultural, ââ¬Å" abrangendo tanto a emergencia de novas identidades, como a reinvencao de etnias ja reconhecidas â⬠( OLIVEIRA, 2004 apud Gomes, 2009 ) . Esta reelaboracao, por sua vez, acontece num momento historico, politician e societal especifico que exige a necessidade que estas identidades sejam afirmadas diante da condicao societal peculiar mutton quad que vivem os Tremembes atualmente.Consideracoes finaisA minha pretensao neste artigo foi de discorrer sobre O caminho que tem trilhado os Tremembes de Acarau atualmente, destacando o processo de organizacao politica das duas aldeias indigenas. Tenho consciencia do carater experimental deste trabalho vitamin E acredito que o leitor pode ter sentido falta de outras informacoes que poderiam estar presentes no texto, mom diante do tempo e district attorney proposta do artigo nao foi possivel aprofundar nesta ocasiao. Tambem nao quis fazer uma discussao teorica mais substancial, tanto sobre a historia Department of State Tremembes quanto sobre a questao district attorney identidade etnica. Sobre esses temas, muitos trabalhos podem ser encontrados facilmente. Minha intencao foi tentar mostrar como a questao district attorney identidade etnica aparece vitamin E como Revolutionary People's Struggle e utilizada no cotidiano das comunidades pesquisadas.REFEReNCIAS BIBLIOGRaFICASCASTELLS, Manuel. O Poder district attorney Identidade: A Era district attorney Informacao: Economia, Sociedade vitamin E Cultura. Vol. 2. 2? Ed. , Sao Paulo: Paz e Terra, 2002.GOMES, Alexandre Oliveira. A saga Delaware Amanay, O algodao, e dos indios da porangaba. In: PALITOT, Estevao. ( Org. ) . Na Mata do Sabia: Contribuicoes sobre a presenca indigena no Ceara. Fortaleza: Secult / Museu do Ceara / IMOPEC, 2009.SILVA, Cristhian Teofilo district attorney Silva. Relatorio circunstaciado de identificacao e delimitacao da Terra In digena Corrego Joao Pereira/CE. Brasilia: Funai, 1999. 173p.SILVA, Izabelle Braz Peixoto district attorney. Prefacio. In: PALITOT, Estevao. ( Org. ) . Na Mata do Sabia: Contribuicoes sobre a presenca indigena no Ceara. Fortaleza: Secult / Museu do Ceara / IMOPEC, 2009.SILVA, Tomaz Tadeu. Identidade e diferenca: a perspectiva Department of State Estudos Culturais. Petropolis: Vozes, 2000.VALLE, Carlos Guilherme do. Tremembes. Povos Indigenas do Brasil ââ¬â Petabyte: 2005. Acessado no endereco hypertext transfer protocol: // mutton quad 21/02/2010.Ob: AS DEVIDAS CONSIDERAcoES FEITAS OBEDECERAM aS NORMAS DA ABNT E FORAM TAMBEM COSULTADOS MANUAIS DE METODOLOGIA DE LAVILLE & A ; DIONE, BEM COMO ANTONIO JOAQUIM SEVERINO E ANTONIO CARLOS GIL.PARABENIZO PELO EXCELENTE TRABALHO, AS INFORMAcoES POSSUEM GRANDE VALOR PARA OS LEITORES.Artigo apresentado na disciplina Teorias do Desenvolvimento Social do curso de Especializacao em Gestao de Organiza coes Sociais district attorney Universidade Estadual Vale do Acarau ââ¬â UVA.Itarema foi distrito de Acarau, obtendo sua emancipacao mutton quad 1984. Desse modo, a literatura faz referencia a presenca Department of State Tremembes mutton quad Acarau. vitamin E interessante notar que, atualmente, a maioria district attorney populacao de Acarau desconhece a presenca de indios no municipio, pois a referencia Department of State Tremembes e a Praia de Almofala, que vitamin E distrito de Itarema.Cf. Silva, 1999.Juridicamente, a constituicao de 1988 mutton quad seu artigo 231 define Terra Indigena como aquelas ââ¬Å" por eles ( indios ) habitadas em carater permanente, as utilizadas parity suas atividades produtivas, as imprescindiveis a preservacao Department of State recursos ambientais necessarios a seu bem-estar vitamin E as necessarias a sua reproducao fisica e cultural, segundo seu usos, costumes vitamin E tradicoes â⬠.Cf. Silva ( 1999 ) .Instituicao indigenista fundada por Maria Amelia Leite que presta assessoria vitamin E acompanha a questao district attorney demarcacao hyrax terras dos Tremembes mutton quad Itarema, Itapipoca e Acarau.Depoimento obtido informalmente, mas que se encontra presente no relatorio antropologico realizado pelo Antropologo Sergio Telles Brissac, analista pericial mutton quad Antropologia do Ministerio Publico Federal ââ¬â MPF/CE, mutton quad 2007.A Lagoa Department of State Negros esta situada no municipio de Itarema. Segundo depoimentos, o lugar teria sido descoberto pelos indios que vinham de Almofala. A referida lagoa epoch muito bonita vitamin E havia fartura de agua, peixe e outros animais que viviam mutton quad redor. Os indios contam que ela foi desencantada pelo Paje Joao Cosmo. Como epoch um lugar bonito vitamin E tambem propicio a criacao de gado, pela abundancia de agua, alguns ââ¬Å" coroneis â⬠expulsaram os indios e se apossaram do lugar. e nesse exodo que um grupo de indios chega a localidade de Queimadas.Extraido do site: Hypertext transfer protocol: //â⬠¦ Acessado em 27/08/2009.Isso so veio a acontecer mutton quad 1994, quando a FUNAI abriu um Nucleo de Apoio Local ââ¬â NAL no Ceara. Antes disso, o estado estava subordinado a Administracao Executiva Regional ââ¬â AER district attorney Paraiba.Me refiro aos colegas Nino Amorim vitamin E Raquel Monteiro que me antecederam nesta funcao. Efetivamente, este trabalho com as aldeias de Telhas e Queimadas se iniciou em janeiro de 2009. Em agosto fui contratado parity substituir O referido colega que foi convocado parity assumir vaga de professor pleiteada em concurso na Universidade Federal de Rond & A ; ocirc ; nia ââ¬â UNIR.Atualmente, as duas aldeias foram inseridas no Programa de Aquisicao de Alimentos ââ¬â PAA district attorney Conab, onde irao produzir vitamin E seller alimentos para a merenda Lepidocybium flavobrunneum. Alem deste, ho ur angle um outro projeto de avicultura da Secretaria district attorney Agricultura de Acarau em parceria com O Banco do Nordeste ââ¬â BNB.De acordo com a Secretaria do Desenvolvimentos Agrario do Ceara ââ¬â DAS, os territorios rurais sao espacos fisicos geograficamente definidos, onde se pode distinguir um ou mais elementos que indicam identidade vitamin E coesao societal e cultural. Cada territorio vitamin E gerido por um colegiado, que vitamin E formado por representantes do poder publico ( municipal, estadual e federal ) e da sociedade civil, como movimentos sociais vitamin E organizacoes nao governamentais ( ONGs ) . Fonte: hypertext transfer protocol: // mutton quad 20/02/2010.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Job Interview Speech Outline
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience how to effectively use verbal and nonverbal communication in a job interview. Organizational Pattern: Time Introduction Attention- Getting Opening: If you had a job interview tomorrow, whatââ¬â¢s going to be the main thing running through your mind? For most people, itââ¬â¢s the questions they are going to ask. Job seekers spend most of their time rehearsing questions and answers in advance to not get caught off guard; but in reality, the difference between getting the job or not can be not from what you say, but how you say it and what your body is communicating.You can say many wonderful things about yourself, but your body language or speaking style may say otherwise. Preview: These are the three key points to effectively using verbal and nonverbal communication in a job interview. 1. You must show confident, calm, and moderate body language. 2. You should use a professional and well-mannered speaking style. 3. You should dress appropr iately and moderate. Transition: To begin withâ⬠¦ Body I. You must show confident, calm, and moderate body language. A. First Impressions 1. Make a calm and confident entrance a.Over 90% of our communication is nonverbal, according to body language expert Susan Constantine (6) b. You never know who is watching. c. The interview starts even before you get to the interview room 2. Waiting a. Sit up straight and chest open b. Donââ¬â¢t have too many things on your lap 3. Handshake a. Donââ¬â¢t overdo the death grip. Moderate but assertive. b. Slightly submissive c. Prepare belongings to your left to easily shake with right hand. B. Starting the interview 1. Use ââ¬Å"openâ⬠body language a. Sit up straight, displaying your neck and torso. b.Avoid seeming closed off. c. Job search expert Amanda Augustine says to avoid overcorrecting as leaning back can be seen as boredom or lack of interest, but leaning too forward can be seen as threatening (2) 2. Hand gestures a. Natur al and open hand placement b. Donââ¬â¢t seem closed off by putting them in pockets, behind your back, or crossing your arms. c. Above desk and below collarbone to appear calm and not frantic. 3. Eye contact a. Locking eyes for too long can be seen as creepy and aggressive. b. Itââ¬â¢s okay to break eye contact when appropriate. C. Departing . Gather yourself calmly and smoothly 2. Shaking hands Transition: Now that weââ¬â¢ve talked about body language, letââ¬â¢s see how the way you say things is just as important as what youââ¬â¢re saying II. You should use a professional and well-mannered speaking style. A. Speaking style 1. Pace a. refers to the speed of delivery b. speak at a brisk pace that is neither too fast or slow c. sound comfortable and relaxed like a normal conversation. 2. Volume d. Maintain comfortable volume e. Match the interviewers volume f. Sound authoritative confident 3. Enthusiasm g. efers to the energy and passion in your voice h. show your intere st 4. Variation i. Donââ¬â¢t sound monotone or boring j. Change the speed and tempo, or even volume. 5. Pronunciation k. Be articulate l. Donââ¬â¢t mumble and pronounce all words clearly 6. Pausing m. Brief gaps when you speak allow the interviewer to absorb what you say and give them the opportunity to ask additional questions without interrupting you. n. Avoid vocal fillers. B. Listening 1. Donââ¬â¢t interrupt 2. Let the interviewer lead the interview 3. Ask for clarification Transition: Now on to the easiest part.Look good! But donââ¬â¢t overdo it. III. You should dress appropriately and moderate. A. Conservative 1. Limited jewelry 2. Solid colors 3. Conservative tie, blouse, shoes, etc. 4. According to Kim Zoller at Image Dynamics, 55% of another person's perception of you is based on how you look. (3) B. Presentability 1. Neatly ironed and pressed clothing 2. Fits properly 3. Grooming a. Hair b. nails Transition: Now instead of worrying only on what youââ¬â¢re go ing to say, I youââ¬â¢ll all remember how nonverbal communication, the way you speak, actually play a bigger role than you thought.Conclusion Summary: Today we have learned how to effectively use verbal and nonverbal communication in a job interview. 1. You must show confident, calm, and moderate body language. 2. You should use a professional and well-mannered speaking style. 3. You should dress appropriately and moderate. Memorable Concluding Remarks Now, I hope weââ¬â¢ve all learned and realized that what you say is only one of the many factors in getting the job and that body language, speaking style, and how you dress is just as important, if not even more so.Next time you get a chance at a new job; donââ¬â¢t spend so much time creating the perfect answers to those tricky questions. Itââ¬â¢s not what you say, itââ¬â¢s how you say it. Remain calm, confident, and let your body do the talking. References Cited 1. Ordona, Robert. ââ¬Å"Email to a Friend. â⬠Eff ective Body Language in a Job Interview. Monster, xxxssssxn. d. Web. 20 Feb. 2013. 2. Casserly, Meghan. ââ¬Å"10 Body Language Tics That Could Cost You The Interview. â⬠Forbes. sssssssssForbes Magazine, 26 Sept. 2012. Web. 20 Feb. 2013. 3. Doyle, Alison. ââ¬Å"Dressing ForA Success. â⬠About. om Job Searching. About, n. d. Web. 20 eeeeeeeeFeb. 2013. 4. Potthit, Carma. ââ¬Å"Verbal Communication Skills Interview Tips. â⬠Resume. Lifetips, n. d. Web. dddddd20 Feb. 2013. 5. Jones, Adwoa. ââ¬Å"Making Your Verbal Communication Count In The Job Interview. â⬠Crystal ssssssssClear Interviews Job Interviews How To Interview For A Job Job Interview ssssssssQuestions Answers and Tips RSS. Crystal Clear Interview, 28 July 2012. Web. 20 ssssssssFeb. 2013. 6. Roney, Luke. ââ¬Å"7 Signals to Send During Your Next Job Interview. â⬠US News RSS. US 222222News, 28 Feb. 2012. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Purpose of literature; what can literature do
Purpose of literature; what can literature do Still Falls the Rain by Edith Sitwell is a poem on the sufferings in the world. The poem, written during World War II after the Germans bombed England, begins with the reference to the event.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Purpose of literature; what can literature do? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It then spins to describing the sufferings on humankind throughout the history of the world. The theme of the poem is on human suffering through the ages. The poemââ¬â¢s theme is the pain and suffering that futile war inflicts on humankind. The poem depicts war as the possessor of pain and sin that humankind cannot bear. The religious undertone of the poem is evident: Still falls the rain At the feet of the Starved Man hung upon the Cross. Christ that each day, each night, nails there Have mercy on us ââ¬â On Dives and on Lazarus:Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can he lp you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Under the Rain the sore and the gold are as one. The poem is dominated with themes and ideas from religion and the mingling of war, showing war as the creator of human sin. Man cannot endure the suffering caused by war and it can be washed away through the sufferings of Christ. Rain is used as a metaphor for war and bloodshed through war. In the novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the most intriguing part is the setting of the novel in the Victorian London and itââ¬â¢s binding with the plot of the novel. The duality in the character of Dr. Jekyll through his ââ¬Å"Otherâ⬠in form of Mr. Hyde expresses the lingering revolting attitude of the Londoners in the Victorian age, which was essentially an age of conformism to the prevalent ways of the time. The duality in the protagonists is actually a revolt to the constraining social discourse and norms of the Victorian era. Realism in literature is an essential part as this shows what part of the real world is close to the fictional world shown in literature. For instance, in case of the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the realism lies in the frustration of Victorian intelligentsia with the constraining norms of the era. Masao Myoshi points out that the idea of the social ideals of the Victorian era and literature is reinstated in the novel wherein the book is essentially a ââ¬Å"visionâ⬠of the late-Victorian ââ¬Å"wastelandâ⬠to remove all Hyde-like elements from the society to establish ââ¬Å"an honorable public life and a joyful private one.â⬠Fiction is ââ¬Å"a shield with two sides, the silver and the golden: the study of manners and of character, on one hand; on the other, the description of adventure, the delight of romantic narrative.â⬠. Realism in literature is apparent through the works of Stevenson, Haggard, Lang, and others . Realism in literature was very high in the Victorian era in Brit ish literature, which many believe was due to the Victoriansââ¬â¢ desire to show the ââ¬Å"mimetic capacityâ⬠of literature.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Purpose of literature; what can literature do? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Realism is often described as the desire of the Victorians to frame the plot and ideas of the novel in order to contradict the reality. In other words, realism was stressed by the Victorian writers in order to present a ââ¬Å"parallel or subjective truthâ⬠that can be considered as ââ¬Å"no truth at allâ⬠. Therefore, realism in literature in the Victorian age was essentially a way to contradict the reality, which has been defined as ââ¬Å"the excesses, both stylistic and narrative, of various kinds of romantic, exotic, or sensational literaturesâ⬠. Therefore in a novel like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde that would make one feel that it is unrealistic, actually brought forth the realism of the novel by portraying the lingering dualism in the Victorian minds . Literature is a history book that shows the mind and heart of the people of the time and not just the events. Literature has the capacity to demonstrate the heart of the age and the interpretations of the conditions of the time. As observed in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, there was a constant dilemma in the protagonists and the duality is essentially the duality in the character of Jekyll to Hyde allows the former to do things that the polite society would consider scandalous. The movie adaption of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde reviewed in the earlier essay shows the changes brought forth from the Victorian era to the modern times in order to infuse the vibe of realism . The language of the literature and the closeness of literature too is an important aspect as this result in the development of realism in literature . The parallel drawn between the movie and the novel shows that there is a cas e for ââ¬Å"witness literatureâ⬠as in case of the Victorian social rigidity is apparent in the novel however, is lost in the film . However, it is apparent that in Stevensonââ¬â¢s novel the drive was to bring forth the anti realism through the development of the duality in the Dr. Jekyll character . Therefore, the purpose of literature as a bearer of realism, even if through the portrayal of anti-reality is essentially to bring forth the reality in the fictional world. Brantlinger, Patrick. Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830-1914. New York: Cornell University Press, 1988. Print. Byerly, Alison. Realism, Representation, and the Arts in Nineteenth-Century Literature. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Corkin, Stanley. Realism and the Birth of the Modern United States: Cinema, Literature. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1996. Print. Graff, Gerald. The Politics of Anti-Realism. Salmagundi, 42 (1978): 4-30. Print. Jakobson, Roman, Krystyna Pomorska and Stephen Rudy. Language in Literature. New Yrok: Harvard University Press, 1987. Print. Miyoshi, Masao. Dr. Jekyll and the Emergence of Mr. Hyde. College English, 27(6) (1966): 470-474. Print. Sitwell, Edith. Still Falls the Rain. 1940. Web. Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. London: Harper Collins, 1895. Print. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde . Dir. John Carl Buechler. Perf. Tony Todd. 2006. DVD. White, Hayden. Figural Realism in Witness Literature. Parallax, 10(1) (2004): 113-124. Print.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Biblical Judaism essays
Biblical Judaism essays The Hasmonean dynasty can be considered to be a turning point in the history of the biblical Jewish ancient state. It represented the time in history that marked two important moments in the Jewish culture: on the one hand, the end of the Maccabean Wars, and on the other hand, the start of the Roman rule over Palestine. The most important contribution of the reign of the Hasmonean dynasty was the period of development for the Jewish people. One of the most visible changes that took place at the time was the territorial expansion of the state. In this sense, The policy of conquest carried out by the Hasmoneans led to a major expansion of Jewish territory, achieved by expulsion and dispossession of non-Jewish population groups. In principle, these new territories became the property of the ruler, that is, the reigning family, just as was the case under the Hellenistic monarchies (Schfer, 2003). From this point of view it can be said that the dynasty played an important role in establishing the Jews as a unitary group on a definite territory. Another major role played by the dynasty was in the creation of a standing army of the Jewish state. With the use of mercenaries as part of their army, this allowed them to be in better control of their land and territory, both to protect him from outside threats, as well as to maintain its unity in the face of internal threats. Also during the Hasmonean Dynasty, the political scene changed as the Pharisees became an ever increasing force. Thus, while under Alexander Jannaeus, the Pharisees were subjected to outright persecution, under Jannaeus' successor, Salome Alexandra, they apparently rose to become the dominant party in the state (Schfer, 2003). Afterwards, new parties, that of the Zealots also emerged. However, the start for a certain type of political life became fully visible during the Harmonean Dynasty and from this point of view, it represents one of t...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Ray Tomlinson Invented Internet-Based Email
Ray Tomlinson Invented Internet-Based Email Electronic mailà (email) is a way of exchanging digital messages between people using different computers.à Email operates acrossà computer networks, which in the 2010s, pretty much means the internet. Some early email systems required the writer and the recipient to both beà onlineà at the same time, sort of like instant messaging. Todays email systems are based on aà store-and-forwardà model. Emailà serversà accept, forward, deliver, and store messages. Neither the users nor their computers are required to be online simultaneously; they need to connect only briefly, typically to aà mail server, for as long as it takes to send or receive messages. From ASCII to MIME Originally anà ASCIIà text-only communications medium, Internet email was extended byà Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensionsà (MIME) to carry text in other character sets and multimedia content attachments.à International email, with internationalized email addresses, has been standardized, but as of 2017, not widely adopted. The history of modern, global Internet email services reaches back to the earlyà ARPANET, with standards for encoding email messages proposed as early as 1973. An email message sent in the early 1970s looks very similar to a basic text email sent today. Email played an important part in creating the Internet,à and the conversion from ARPANET to the Internet in the early 1980s produced the core of the current services. The ARPANET initially used extensions to theà File Transfer Protocolà (FTP) to exchange network email, but this is now done with theà Simple Mail Transfer Protocolà (SMTP). Ray Tomlinsons Contributions Computer engineer Ray Tomlinson invented internet-based email in late 1971. Under ARPAnet, several major innovations occurred: email (or electronic mail), the ability to send simple messages to another person across the network (1971). Ray Tomlinson worked as a computer engineer for Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN), the company hired by the United States Defense Department to build the first Internet in 1968. Ray Tomlinson was experimenting with a popular program he wrote called SNDMSG that the ARPANET programmers and researchers were using on the network computers (Digital PDP-10s) to leave messages for each other. SNDMSG was a local electronic message program. You could only leave messages on the computer that you were using for other persons using that computer to read. Tomlinson used a file transfer protocol that he was working on called CYPNET to adapt the SNDMSG program so it could send electronic messages to any computer on the ARPANET network. The Symbol Ray Tomlinson chose the symbol to tell which user was at what computer. The goes in between the users login name and the name of his/her host computer. What Was the First Email Ever Sent? The first email was sent between two computers that were actually sitting besideà each other. However, the ARPANET network was used as the connection between the two. The first email message was QWERTYUIOP. Ray Tomlinson is quoted as saying he invented email,Mostly because it seemed like a neat idea. No one was asking for email.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Political Science or Public Policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Political Science or Public Policy - Term Paper Example e leaders have perfected the art of using all manner of illegal tactics to remain in power such as vote rigging, detaining opposition leaders and altering the constitution. Some African leaders have objected the idea of multi-party democracy thus anybody seeking a political leadership opportunity should do so through one party which is controlled the by the incumbent president. The parliamentary systems are ineffective and weak since they are controlled by the executive. The main duty of the legislature is to oversee the smooth running and implementation of government policies but African governments have failed in this duty. The parliamentary systems is misused by the executive to rubber stamp the decisions of the executive while the judiciary lacks the independence to protect the constitution and civil rights. A flawed electioneering system and ethnic based politics will continue to precipitate political conflicts unless policy changes are implemented. Though the international community is greatly supporting Africa nations to implement full democratic and market-based economies, dictatorial leadership, unfair elections, diseases and unequal distribution of resources have hindered all the opportunities of ensuring democracy in several African countries. Natural resources like copper, gold and oil mining continue to be trafficked to foreign countries by corrupt leaders thus leading to low economic development of these conflicts. Unfair distribution of resources and underdevelopment of some parts of the countries, especially areas occupied by the marginalized ethnic communities is currently fueling ethnic-based conflicts for power and natural resources. Some leaders are busy utilizing the natural resources to fuel ethnic tensions and conflicts in order to remain in power. There are numerous challenges that have hindered entrenchment of liberal democracy in Africa. African countries will continue to experience political conflicts unless the leaders agree how to
Friday, October 18, 2019
A Systematic Comparison Between Traditional and Agile Methods Essay
A Systematic Comparison Between Traditional and Agile Methods - Essay Example Project management is a methodical technique to managing and scheduling project resources and tasks from inauguration to completion. However, these tasks and resources are separated into five stages, i.e. initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and completion or termination of the project. In fact, this standard format of the project management can be used for almost every kind of project, in view of the fact that its basic purpose is to systematize the different processes of project development (Kerzner, 2006; Haughey, 2009; TechTarget, 2008). Normally, the project management techniques are classified into two categories: traditional project management and agile project management. In traditional project management, project plans and cost estimates are normally developed once, in a front-loaded mode, and the remaining activities of a project involve adjusting to reality. On the other hand, in agile project management, every iteration is an opportunity to go back over the plan and adjust to reality for the next iteration (Freedman, 2010). Traditional project management approaches Traditional project management works fine for a lot of projects and environments. Actually, traditional project management makes use of the traditional tools and techniques for management and solving problems. In simple words, ââ¬Å"the traditional project management is 'a collection of tools and techniques that can be used to perform an operation that seeks an end product, outcome, or a serviceâ⬠. These traditional tools and techniques can include the use of PERT chart and Gantt chart to estimate the schedule or plan the project (TutorialsPoint, 2012). The major advantage of the traditional project management methods is that they are plan driven and they follow a sequence and management approach to project development. Thus, the use of the traditional project management methods allows completing a complex project in a sequential phase wise manner where all the requirements are collected and approved at the beginning. And on the basis of these requirements software design is completed next and finally master design is executed to build high quality software. Another advantage of the traditional software development methods is they are very well-organized and purposeful planning and control methods. These methods allow us to recognize the distinct project life cycles (Rehman et al., 2010; Szalvay, 2004; Serena, 2007). Despite a lot of advantages associated with these methods, they have certain drawbacks as well. According to these methods, all the project requirements must be completed and approved before the project is initialized. On the other hand, in case of a large size and complex projects it is not possible to collect all the requirements before beginning the project. Hence, we will need to make some changes to the project requirements which will change design and as a result the entire project development will be affected (Rehman et al., 2010; Szalvay, 2004; Serena, 2007). In addition, the traditional project management methods are aimed at dealing with large size development projects, and the issues and challenges in determining and handling these endeavours to effectively carry results. Additionally, these methods were a great deal
Business Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Accounting - Assignment Example The pizza oven that I invented replaces the utility of a ?10,000 oven for a fraction of the price. The oven is able to cook personal pizzas of nine inches in three minutes or less. The reason that the pizza is cooked so quickly is because the oven cooks the pizza at 825 degree Fahrenheit. There are currently no existing ovens for street vendors that can reach the temperature needed to cook pizzas quickly. The idea is to sell the ovens with licensing contracts to generate both instant sales and residual income. The cost of building and integrating three ovens into a hotdog vending cart or similar equipment is ?1,500. The product would be sold to these types of clients that are looking to expand their business for ?5,000. The gross margin of the sale is 233%. Vendors interested in the proprietary rights of the oven have to pay a 10% on net sales royalty fee. The royalty fees must be paid on a monthly basis. People interested in the product have a second option if they not have an exist ing business. The product can be sold in as a pizza cart vending equipment that can be used to start your own business. The price of the pizza cart with three ovens is ?25,000. The cost to produce the pizza cart is ?13,000. The gross profit on the sale of the pizza cart equipment is 92.30%. ... The pizza style that these ovens cook is called Neapolitan pizza. Neapolitan pizza is a premium pizza meal cooked in Italy in brick ovens at high temperatures. The clients that purchase the oven attachments or the pizza cart can advertise the business as Neapolitan pizza mobile restaurants. This niche market allows the vendors to offer a specialty product at fair prices. The suggested retail price of a personal pizza with one topping and a soda is ?3.15. Business partners will have the flexibility to charge up to ?4.38 for a pizza combo because the premium nature of the product can support a higher price point than ?3.15. The sales projections of the company are based on the estimate that a pizza restaurant can generate yearly sales of ?276,500. The table below shows projected income for the next year. units Pounds Oven upgrades income 50 250000 Pizza carts income 25 625000 875000 Royalty income 2073750 Total income 2948750 Expenses Oven upgrade 50 75000 Pizza carts 25 325000 Labor c osts 480000 Administrative expenses 500000 Other costs 100000 Business loan 55824 Total Expenses 1535824 Net income 1412926 The projected net income includes sales of 50 oven upgrade packages and 25 pizza cart equipments. These two sources of income will generate revenues of ?875,000. There is money to be made by selling equipment, but the real money maker in this business model is the royalty income. The projected royalty income for the first year of operations is ?2,073,750. The projected net income of the company is ?1,412,926 with a net margin of 49.80%. Net margin is a financial metric that measures profitability (Investopedia, 2012). The reason that the net margin is so
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Accounting ratio analysis for Hysan Development Company Limited Essay
Accounting ratio analysis for Hysan Development Company Limited - Essay Example The company has three segments in operating as such in the industry. First, is has its Office segment, which is in charge of leasing of office space and related facilities to various customers from office users. Second, it has its Retail segment, which takes charge of the leasing of space and related facilities, this time to a wide range of retail of retail and leisure operators. Third, it has its Residential segment, which takes charge of the leasing of luxury residential properties and related facilities. The company has continued to expand over the years and as of December 31, 2012, its investment property portfolio has reached an approximate level of more than 4 million gross square feet of office, retail and residential space in Hong Kong. The Companys subsidiaries as of 2012 included HD Treasury Limited, Admmore investments Limited, Hysan China Holdings Limited, Hysan Corporate Services Limited, Hysan (MTN) Limited and Hysan Leasing Company, among others (Reuters, 2014a). Profits are created from the surplus of revenues over expenses. This would require a way to gauge revenues and expenses which are extracted from the financial statements of the companies under study. Various categories of expenses according to functions, get deducted from the revenues for purposes of computing profit or income. First is the direct cost or called cost of sales or revenues is deducted first from revenues to arrive at gross profit. From gross profit, operating income will be derived after deducting further selling and administrative expenses will be deducted to arrive at operating income. From the operating income, net income determination will follow after non-operating incomes or expenses are added/deducted accordingly from the operating income (Johnson, et al, 2003). After producing the various categories of income --- gross profit, operating income and net income, each result
Assignment4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Assignment4 - Assignment Example It is simple for learners to get disappointed in a class of blended capability. Stronger students may feel kept down weaker people may feel compelled. The instructor may feel focused. The best answer for this is to have an open-class talk about the classroom circumstance - to guarantee the best for everybody it is better to recognize the circumstances and for everybody to concur how to manage it. It is most likely best to stage and structure the talk (Reyes, 2014). All classes are blended capacity to one degree or an alternate. Great cases, when you have close local level speakers with novices, could be extremely trying for the instructor. In these cases, it is vital to recall that all learners will get something out of the class, however not so much the same things, and not so much, what you expect to show them! For instance, the tenderfoots may start to get a grip of your classroom dialect whilst the stronger understudies may start to have the capacity to put another strained into utilization. A class of thirty students learning English in a mixed ability class can be very tedious and challenging for any teacher. In this class, there will be a percentage of students that will not be at the same pase as other students. Grade four English is one of the fundamental bases of English. One needs to pass this stage of English so that they can be conversant and fluent with English. A grade four English teaches the students how to read and write new vocabularies, presenting and language structure. These are very vital in learning how to speak and writing the English language. The formative differences that exists in any optional and/or upper auxiliary school requests that instructors can consider the circumstances and make a move, they should proficient to utilize techniques that make it feasible for all scholars to encounter accomplishment by means applying the perfect specified in the educational program under the heading (Solatorio, 2014). Multi-level
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Accounting ratio analysis for Hysan Development Company Limited Essay
Accounting ratio analysis for Hysan Development Company Limited - Essay Example The company has three segments in operating as such in the industry. First, is has its Office segment, which is in charge of leasing of office space and related facilities to various customers from office users. Second, it has its Retail segment, which takes charge of the leasing of space and related facilities, this time to a wide range of retail of retail and leisure operators. Third, it has its Residential segment, which takes charge of the leasing of luxury residential properties and related facilities. The company has continued to expand over the years and as of December 31, 2012, its investment property portfolio has reached an approximate level of more than 4 million gross square feet of office, retail and residential space in Hong Kong. The Companys subsidiaries as of 2012 included HD Treasury Limited, Admmore investments Limited, Hysan China Holdings Limited, Hysan Corporate Services Limited, Hysan (MTN) Limited and Hysan Leasing Company, among others (Reuters, 2014a). Profits are created from the surplus of revenues over expenses. This would require a way to gauge revenues and expenses which are extracted from the financial statements of the companies under study. Various categories of expenses according to functions, get deducted from the revenues for purposes of computing profit or income. First is the direct cost or called cost of sales or revenues is deducted first from revenues to arrive at gross profit. From gross profit, operating income will be derived after deducting further selling and administrative expenses will be deducted to arrive at operating income. From the operating income, net income determination will follow after non-operating incomes or expenses are added/deducted accordingly from the operating income (Johnson, et al, 2003). After producing the various categories of income --- gross profit, operating income and net income, each result
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
BHP Billiton Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
BHP Billiton - Case Study Example Apart from some specific small scale mining especially in high value low volume minerals, extraction of mineral resources usually requires large scale, capital intensive investments, Most projects are technologically challenging and investments are characterized by high degree of uncertainty and long gestation periods. In most developing countries except China and India, extraction industry seems to be export focused with significant scope of revenue creation but limited scope of employment generation. Mineral extraction also involves considerable threat to an ecosystem, and could have adverse social implications. Finally, mineral resources are non-renewable and often of strategic, geo-political importance. As a result, governmental influence tends to be high, which can interfere with the business operations. Owing to the huge capital investments required for extraction, this market has seen emergence of state-owned enterprises, which can depend on the government for the huge capital investments that they incur. Not all developing and least developed countries can afford the high capital investment. Therefore, this market is also characterized by the presence of large multi national corporations (MNCs), which have the financial power to make huge financial commitments. Exploration activities for minerals can not only take up long gestation periods, but can als... Exploration activities for minerals can not only take up long gestation periods, but can also result in unsuccessful attempts. Even after successful exploration, the investor needs to face the technical risk (involved in extraction at sometimes difficult sites), and market risk (demand and supply risks), political risks (nationalization). Political risks can be higher if the host country has a weal constitutional framework. This is a risky business and the investor should have the expertise necessary to handle such risks. Once investment is committed, the cost of pullout is very high (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2007). Section-III About BHP Billiton The largest extractive company, BHP Billiton was chosen as the subject of this case study. Its mission, marketing strategies are explored in the subsequent sections. The mission statement of BHP Billiton is "to create long-term value through the discovery, development and conversion of natural resources, and the provision of innovative customer and market-focused solutions". BHP Billiton is a global resources company in the extractive sector headquartered in Australia. It is a dual listed company and consists of BHP Billiton Limited Group in Australia, and BHP Billiton Plc group in the UK. IN addition, American Depository Receipts (ADRs) of both companies are listed Ney York Stock Exchange (NYSE). It was created in 2001 by the merger of Australia's Broken Hill Proprietary Company (BHP) and the UK's Billiton, which had a Dutch and South African background (Wikipedia, 2009). It is the world's largest diversified natural resources company, and has significant businesses in alumina and aluminum, copper, energy (thermal) coal, iron ore, nickel, manganese,
Esperanza of The House on Mango Street Essay Example for Free
Esperanza of The House on Mango Street Essay The House on Mango Street is a collection of musings of a young female named Esperanza. The main character and the direction of the stories is revealed in the first story. It is in The House on Mango Street that Sandra Cisnero sets Esperanza up as a young girl dreaming of a brighter future and yet floored on the realities of her situation. The first story introduces Esperanza as someone who plans on escaping the place where she is growing up. She is old enough to understand that the promises of her parents about the temporariness of their house are not going to be fulfilled any time soon. She is, however, young enough to believe that physically leaving Mango Street will mean a complete escape from the things that Mango Street and their house represent. The youthfulness of Esperanza is shown in Hairs where she describes her family and herself through a description of the type of hair each had. She tells about still being comforted by her motherââ¬â¢s presence beside her in their bed. It is also in this story that one understands Esperanzaââ¬â¢s personality. She is free-spirited and hard to tame, like her hair. But she is clearly in the process of developing into a woman as she expresses her emotions for her motherââ¬â¢s hair ââ¬â the hair of a truly ladylike woman. Esperanza is shown here to be in the transitional period of developing from a child into a complete lady. She most probably would be in her teenage years. The emotional and personal development of Esperanza is also seen in My Name. When she speaks of not wanting to be like her grandmother ââ¬â a woman beside the window, trapped ââ¬â she shows that she is already capable of deciding for herself the future she wants to have. She also shows her knowledge about the outside world when she speaks of the Chinese culture and its possible similarities with the Mexican culture. She also shows a deeper understanding of society when she explains how Chinese culture and Mexican culture do not want their women strong which is why they do not give them strong names. Her reference to women being suppressed and kept from being strong also shows that she is aware of this bias. She is clearly developing emotionally because she can formulate for herself judgments about the things that occur in the society she lives in. In this part of the stories, My Name, Esperanza demonstrates development from being the young girl who dreams of escaping her house because she wants more space to the teen who wants change because she no longer agrees with the things around her. She wants to change her name insisting that it does not refer to the ââ¬Å"real herâ⬠. She wants a life that is different from her grandmotherââ¬â¢s. The aspirations of Esperanza in this part have developed. From a house with more bedrooms and bathrooms, Esperanza now aspires for more abstract concepts ââ¬â independence, choice, freedom. In the final parts of the stories, Esperanza seems to have finally developed into a wiser and more practical woman. She realizes that escaping Mango Street is not something she can do physically for the moment. She decides to write instead. This allows her release from the frustrations she feels for the place she lives in. Esperanza understands now that Mango Street is a part of her life and will continue to be so even after she leaves it. She seems to have made peace with herself and instead of continually trying to push for a way out, she now focuses on ways to improve herself. This is, according to her, the way to finally be able to leave Mango Street. Her wisdom is seen when she states that only in leaving Mango Street, improving herself somewhere else, and coming back to Mango Street can she truly be able to help those who do not have the ability to leave. Her goals are now realigned to include those in her community. Esperanza completes her journey from childhood to young adulthood in the pages of The House on Mango Street. She forms a clearer view of who she really is through her experiences in her house and grows emotionally as well. The maturity of Esperanza is seen not only in her thoughts but in the observations she has made from her neighborhood. She has learned from the lives of those around her and has grown from the lessons she gathered.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Country Comparison and Evaluation of Disability Policies
Country Comparison and Evaluation of Disability Policies Aging and Disability YUEKUN LIU 4.1 (1) International policies on disability from China and American, and comparison between these policies and the policies that operate in New Zealand. China and the United States of America are among the nations in the world that have established policies and laws governing the conduct of the people and that of the sitting governments about the treatments given to people with disability. China, by the year 2006, had up about 83 million men and women (approximately 6.3 percent of the Chinese population) being categorized as disabled persons (National Bureau of Statistics, 2007). Moreover, Americans have an increase in the number of people being afflicted with different kinds of disabilities. Coupled with fair and humane treatment through democratic ruling that has been persistent in the US, Americans have focused on ensuring the comfort of the US citizens , regardless of their physical and or mental orientations. The two nations have put forth various laws to govern the operations of the society. Firstly, the Chinese government through an act of parliament established by the China Disabled Personsââ¬â¢ Confederation (CDPF) in 1988. This is an independent unit in the region with the responsibility of looking into the welfare for the disabled persons in China. Having complete access to every corner of the nation with over 400,000 part time and 90, 000 full time workers by the year 2006, the confederation has been able to provide all the necessary support to the disabled persons in the nation. For this consideration, the confederation is mandated to carry out the following functions (Whakanui, 2000). The CDPF performs three functions: Represent interests of people with disabilities in China and help disabled people protect their legitimate rights; Provide comprehensive and effective services to disabled people; Commissioned by the Chinese government to supervise affairs relating to people with disabilities in China. In this regard, the CDPF is committed to promoting the humanitarianism, the human rights of people with disabilities, and the integration of people with disabilities in all aspects (Whakanui, 2000). Likewise to the Chinese steps in empowering people with disability in their societies, on the other hands, the United States has ratified the regulations and conventions protecting the rights of people with disability in different sections of the community. This has been done through the ADA (the American Disability Act) in1990 (Daly Burkhauser, 2005). The act aims at protecting people with disability against discrimination in their places of work as well as in the society. Despite that, the act gives these individuals the opportunity to explore employment in various organizations in this country as well as the right to secure employment opportunity in such organizations. In addition, the Chinese constitution has been amended to include the rights of individuals with various disabilities in various parts of the country. As in America and New Zealand, the Chinese constitution accords all persons with disability the right to attain rehabilitation support from specialists in various fields of expertise such mental therapists, etc. without any form of discrimination of the tasks. Other rights accorded to the people with disability, including the right to attain education at all levels and the right to be employed in the nation. They could be employed if they meet the required academic and ethical qualifications required by such organizations, rights on cultural lifestyles, welfare, access and legal liability. In regard to this, the three countries have ratified the International Labor Organization Convention No.159 in the constitution in order to help support the lives of those living with disability of various kinds(Autor Duggan, 2001). The law is advocating for the access to vocational training and employment to disabled people. Moreover, they have ratified the United Nations Convention on the rights of people with disability with the Chinese parliamentary ratifying the same in the year of 2008. This is aimed at enabling people with disability secure, retain and advance their careers in their suitable employments areas (Autor Duggan, 2001). New Zealand, through the ministry of disability issues, has made a plan to help disabled people access the rights and privileges accorded to those without the same traits alike. According to this, the ministry has put in place incorporative and collaborative objectives to aid for assisting these people by the complete database on the issues which is affecting the disabled persons at different levels. These policies focus on strengthening the rights of the disabled people about their education and employment opportunities in various organizations within the nation. In addition, the New Zealand government has advocated for empowerment the disabled people in the society by appointing them and or electing them to leadership positions in various organizations and government bodies. This is aimed at creating the relevant leadership priorities to the people and promoting their social affairs at all levels. However, the way these governments operate about handling disability issues is different. In America, the government has gone a bit further in designing an insurance policy for the disabled people. Moreover, the New Zealand government is the only government among the three nations where a special ministry is being recognized by the state for addressing issues on disability in the nation. Both China and America governments conduct this through the inaction of laws, conventions and regulations to help empower the disabled. Consequently, all the three nations have a common point for various factors regarding the care for the disabled people in the whole society. 4.1 (2) International policies on aging from China and American, and comparison between these policies and the policies that operate in New Zealand. The aged people are considered as the disabled in most societies around the world, including the three nationsUSA, China and New Zealand. These nations have established certain policies to help sustain people with aging lives at certain age who are unable to take care of themselves properly. The definition of the aged people around the world are various with different connotations in different societies. This definition of aging differs from one society to another. It is determined by the nationsââ¬â¢ life expectation. In America, the definition of aging is considered as those individuals who are 65 year old and over (DeLeire, 2000). Aging is a significant for people in our lives because the elderly is the group of individuals who are weak and frail. The American constitution has made several provisions to provide adequate care assistances to the aged people in the US. For instance, the US government has planed and provided pension to the elderly in the whole nation. In addition, the aged people are often afflicted by diseases and poverty. Some Americans are even unable to sustain themselves within the society. The American government has drawn a plan to provide them with adequate financial supports for sustaining such individualsââ¬â¢ lives. The US government has helped them access free medical cares as well as social cares in all states. Compare this strategy to the Chinese government; the Chinese government has drawn a pension plan for the aged people living in urban areas as well as those in the rural areas. These people could receive monthly payments that might help them cater for most of their needs since most of them have not had any form of employment due to their senior ages. In New Zealand, the similar provisions have been drawn in the New Zealand through the ministry of senior persons. The ministry advocates for the protection of the rights of the aged population, including the right to be treated respectfully and honor, as well as continue learning and developing their skills and talents (Greg et al., 2010). Furthermore, since the government establish the strategies of increasing the income for the older people from social security funds, free Medicare provisions. Some extremely aged individuals are usually exempted from paying tax on certain commodities and services because these people rely only on their meager income sources. Consequently, there are some differences in policy administrations between these three nations with regards to the provision of care to the people with aging in the society. Firstly, while the New Zealand government has formed a complete system to oversee the provision of the adequate cares to the aged in the nation, the other two countries has not had such plans in their nations. Moreover, the exemption of taxes on certain commodities purchased by the aging generation is a reserve to America. The rest of the nations are lacking of this kind of provisions. Furthermore, the New Zealand government through the ministry of senior persons has come up with the regulations on the ways of conducting the operations of the care giving to the aged group of people. Community based groups have been formed at the lower levels. The groups are designed to help the aged at the basic levels. However, China and America are lack of that kind of groups. 4.2 (1) International service delivery policies on disability from China and American, and comparison between these policies and the policies that operate in New Zealand. The disable people in China, America and New Zealand are entitled to the provision of adequate services. The disabled persons are entitled to employment opportunities in organizations and companies around the three nations as long as they meet the academic and ethical qualifications required by the companies in which they are applying to work. Through the enactment of various policies and conventional Acts or an Act of parliament, the three nations have been able to provide adequate frameworks on service delivery models to the people with disability within the nations. In this situation, the government of New Zealand accords old person in the country the right to access disability services which are deemed responsive, flexible, accessible as well as culturally appropriate. These services must be focused on the inclusion and empowerment of the individuals with impairments and their families (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010). Additionally, the Chinese government has elaborated the needs to provide the disabled with adequate opportunities to the employment and training services. The services are called upon at any instance depending on the needs arising from the same. The services of the disabled are called upon at every instance including administrative positions, vocational arts and training (Ravallion Shaohua, 2004). The United States has embarked on expanding their business and industrial circles in order to create space for the disabled and impaired within the US. This is expected to create employment opportunities to a great deal of people including. The US government has encouraged the disabled people to continue applying and seeking jobs and services in the incorporations of the circle without feeling fear of exclusion or denial. Moreover, the similar policies have been enacted in the Chinese rapidly growing labor force and job market. However, well structured programs have been facilitated in New Zealand as opposed to the other two nations. The New Zealand government is acting on the basis of their internal fundamentals which are organized from within the nation. Therefore, various laws have been developed from within the country to reach the disabled at the grass root. China and the US, however, operate their disability laws in line with the provisions of the world health organizations or other humanitarian agencies in the world. In addition, the public forums and affairs is more elaborate in new Zealand as compared to the other two countries since the New Zealand government is directly involved in the management and protection of the affairs of the disabled. A research shows that there is a proper channel here through that the disabled people can complain to the central government for effective address (Wang, D Zhang, K, 2005). This is different from the cases in China and the US where the affairs of the disabled persons are tackled by the governments through the humanitarian agencies. 4.2 (2) International service delivery policies on aging from China and American, and comparison between these policies and the policies that operate in New Zealand. It is considered that wide knowledge and experiences on various affairs in aging are given for solving various factors affecting the community and or the nations within the three countries. For example, open consultation is one of the factors considered by the new Zealand constitution through the aged. It is required to engage in open consultative forums with the members of the society and various expertsââ¬â¢ idea. This is considered as an important point in exploiting the huge amount of knowledge. Furthermore, there are various opportunities available for them in China, USA and New Zealand to serve in various areas. In America, the aging services are often called upon on various issues such as wars, peace talks and negotiations. This owes to their amount of knowledge and various aspects of the society as well as the developmental issues within the nation. The US policy frameworks require that the old and experienced military officials are be able to engage on various matters which are affecting the country with the aim of offering skilled knowledge to the young labor force (Daly Burkhauser, 2003). In addition, the same provisions have been done by the government of New Zealand. In China, the aging people are encouraged to take part in social matters as well as providing vocational training to the young members of the society through apprentice training. However, this is different from the other two countries. The American policies, similar to those in New Zealand, tend to focus much on the provision of skills and knowledge based on wars and other military actions. The Chinese policies concentrate much on the social sectors through the aged and retired members of the community. They are encouraged to offer apprentice services to the younger generations. Despite that, these groups of Chinese people are more of a social resource storage rather than technical advisers in New Zealand and America. 4.3 Outline accords with recommended texts. The Chinese constitution accords all persons with disability the right to attain rehabilitation support from specialists in various fields of expertise such mental therapists, etc. without any form of discrimination of the tasks. New Zealand, through the ministry of disability issues, has made a plan to help disabled people access the rights and privileges accorded to those without the same traits alike The government of New Zealand accords old person in the country the right to access disability services which are deemed responsive, flexible, accessible as well as culturally appropriate.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Consilience, by Wilson, Life is a Miracle by Berry and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Pirsig :: Philosophy Term Research Papers
The Philosophy of Science in Consilience, by E. O. Wilson, Life is a Miracle by Wendell Berry and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig Introduction The plot where the fields of science, ethics and religion intersect is fertile for study, and the crops it yields often represent the finest harvest of an individualà s mind. In our time, modern philosophers of science have tilled this soil and reaped widely differing and important conclusions about the nature of humankind, its relationship to the natural world and the role that science should take in the discernment process. Through the comparison and contrasting of three important worldviewsà ³as expressed in Consilience, by E. O. Wilson, Life is a Miracle by Wendell Berry and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsigà ³the seeds of philosophy and faith can be sown in the budding scientistà s psyche, and a bumper crop of beliefs cultivated. History of the Philosophy of Science The surest foundation for the origin of science in its practical form is to be found in the à ¬coââ¬ârdination and standardization of the knowledge of common sense and of industry.à ®[1] One of the first occurrences of this coââ¬ârdination can be traced back to 2500 BCE in the form of edicts from the ancient Babylonian rulers, who issued royal standards of length, weight and capacity. Non-Semitic Sumerians also laid down the elements of mathematics and geometry at that time, making use of fractions, decimals, circles and radial angles. But knowledge as we know it today was tightly woven with magical notions, and as both spread westward they instilled in European thought a reverence for à ¬special numbers, their connections to the gods and the application of geometrical diagrams to the prediction of the future.à ®[2] As well, the ancient Babylonians were fascinated by the heavens. They were the first to make a map of the stars and associate them with animals like the Ram, Crab and Scorpion, names that we still use to this day. They also realized the periodicity and reliability of astronomical movement and phenomena, and were soon able to predict many of them. Tablets have been found dating to the sixth century BCE that predicted the relative positions of the sun and moon, as well as forecasted the occurrences of eclipses.[3] Out of all this knowledge the Babylonians built up a fantastic system of astrology, through which the starsà ³which were thought to fix and foretell the course of human affairsà ³would give up their secrets. Consilience, by Wilson, Life is a Miracle by Berry and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Pirsig :: Philosophy Term Research Papers The Philosophy of Science in Consilience, by E. O. Wilson, Life is a Miracle by Wendell Berry and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig Introduction The plot where the fields of science, ethics and religion intersect is fertile for study, and the crops it yields often represent the finest harvest of an individualà s mind. In our time, modern philosophers of science have tilled this soil and reaped widely differing and important conclusions about the nature of humankind, its relationship to the natural world and the role that science should take in the discernment process. Through the comparison and contrasting of three important worldviewsà ³as expressed in Consilience, by E. O. Wilson, Life is a Miracle by Wendell Berry and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsigà ³the seeds of philosophy and faith can be sown in the budding scientistà s psyche, and a bumper crop of beliefs cultivated. History of the Philosophy of Science The surest foundation for the origin of science in its practical form is to be found in the à ¬coââ¬ârdination and standardization of the knowledge of common sense and of industry.à ®[1] One of the first occurrences of this coââ¬ârdination can be traced back to 2500 BCE in the form of edicts from the ancient Babylonian rulers, who issued royal standards of length, weight and capacity. Non-Semitic Sumerians also laid down the elements of mathematics and geometry at that time, making use of fractions, decimals, circles and radial angles. But knowledge as we know it today was tightly woven with magical notions, and as both spread westward they instilled in European thought a reverence for à ¬special numbers, their connections to the gods and the application of geometrical diagrams to the prediction of the future.à ®[2] As well, the ancient Babylonians were fascinated by the heavens. They were the first to make a map of the stars and associate them with animals like the Ram, Crab and Scorpion, names that we still use to this day. They also realized the periodicity and reliability of astronomical movement and phenomena, and were soon able to predict many of them. Tablets have been found dating to the sixth century BCE that predicted the relative positions of the sun and moon, as well as forecasted the occurrences of eclipses.[3] Out of all this knowledge the Babylonians built up a fantastic system of astrology, through which the starsà ³which were thought to fix and foretell the course of human affairsà ³would give up their secrets.
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